This past week, Mr. Gene Fisher, principal of Bob Jones Academy from 1964 to 1968, went home to be with the Lord.
After graduating from BJU in 1952, Mr. Fisher began teaching Bible and social studies at BJA and served as assistant principal and disciplinarian before becoming principal. As principal he established new registration procedures for the Academy and personally printed many of BJA’s materials, including a schedule of classes and registration instructions. Mr. Fisher was known by his students to be positive, friendly, and, even, jolly. One former student said he always remembered his students’ names and reflected the love of God in his kindness.
Mr. Fisher left BJA to become dean of the College of Arts and Science at BJU. After pursuing an advanced degree, he returned to the University’s social studies faculty until his retirement. His legacy at BJA includes family members also serving at BJA: son, David, former social studies teacher and former principal; a granddaughter, Lorna, former social studies teacher, and daughter-in-law, Rachel, current speech teacher. Mr. Fisher is survived by his wife, Lucille Fisher.
Thank you, Mr. Fisher, for your faithfulness to BJA, BJU, and to the Lord.
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