Has your child been “diagnosed within the last three years by a licensed speech-language pathologist, psychiatrist, or medical, mental health, psychoeducational, or other comparable licensed health care provider as having a neurodevelopmental disorder, a substantial sensory or physical impairment such as deaf, blind, or orthopedic disability, or some other disability or acute or chronic condition that significantly impedes the student’s ability to learn and succeed in school without specialized instructional and associated supports and services tailored to the child’s unique needs”?
If so, you may qualify for tuition tax credits for your BJA tuition—apply Wednesday, February 1, 2023, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Available funds won’t last long.
ExceptionalSC’s website explains that “through tuition tax credits and scholarships, ExceptionalSC helps [South Carolina] students with special needs attend credentialed private schools.”
South Carolina earmarks money for parents of qualifying students attending qualifying private schools to receive SC tuition tax credits—that’s not a tax deduction, it’s a tax credit—for tuition paid to that school for that student. Typically the funds are claimed within 20 minutes of the time the application becomes available.
If you have a qualifying student and were not already aware of the program and deadline, here’s how to learn more. Read the ExceptionalSC website for details about student qualifications and the process; BJA is a qualifying school. Scroll to the bottom of the website to sign up for their newsletter. I also send out updates about the program and about anything I’ve been able to learn or do to help streamline the process for BJA families. Please let me know if you’d like to be added to my list.
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