In this season of thanksgiving, I am thankful for the Truth.
Society uses public opinion polls to decide what is right or wrong. “Should gay and lesbian couples be allowed to marry?” “Should a woman have the right to choose abortion?” Our society declares that the majority rules even in issues of morality. This thinking is portrayed in the Bible, but not in a good context. The “broad way” mentality leads to destruction and stands in contrast to the absolute truth of God. As Christians, we realize that our Creator alone has the right to determine what is true, just, pure, lovely, and virtuous. Our responsibility is to sweetly submit to His authority. It seems that fewer and fewer people in our culture today choose the narrow path that leads to life.
Even students in our Christian schools can fall prey to the world’s thinking. “I thought it was okay because others were doing it.” “What’s so wrong with this behavior? It doesn’t hurt anybody.” How we need to remind our children of what should be our first responses in any situation. “Lord, what do you want me to do?” “What is the mind of Christ? What would He do?” “How can I show the love of Christ by serving the needs of those around me?” “What are my authorities asking me to do? I want to obey.”
“Crucify him! Crucify him!” cried the mob. It must have been the right thing to do because all were agreed. And so Jesus was brutally sacrificed by popular demand. But what is the truth? Who is the Truth? Amazingly, God loved the very ones who nailed a sinless Christ to the cross. He didn’t stop the masses. Instead, God delivered Christ up as our Substitute to pay the price of our sin! What a loving God we have! Should this not compel us to faithful service? “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”
Daily we have a choice between the popular way and God’s way. I am thankful for the Truth. No man comes to the Father except by Him. I am thankful for the Bible, God’s written truth. Let us determine always to turn from popular thinking and stand firm on the truth of God.
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