The first Crew Trip will be Friday, October 21, and the Servir Crew is headed to Dollywood for the day! Busses will leave at 7 a.m. and be back around 9:30 p.m. allowing about seven hours in the park.
The trip will cost $100 per student (ticket, transportation costs, and $6 meal voucher included) which will be added to the school bills of students in Servir. Students will also need a breakfast snack for the bus and money for lunch (in the park) and dinner (fast food on the way home). If your child will not be participating in the trip to Dollywood, please call the school office.
Parents of Servir students who wish to join the Dollywood crew trip in a service capacity can contact Sarah Walters. Parents would assist the teachers and lead small groups of students. The cost would be $55 plus meals, and transportation would be provided.
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