October 7
Doug’s F/S video (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- 0:00 Welcome back!
- 0:30 F/S status survey (due 8 a.m. tomorrow, Tuesday)
- 0:42 Amazing F/S positivity, encouraging to students & noticed by parents
- 1:08 “No workload” outside class helps us all evaluate truly good education–ask God for wisdom
- 1:59 Wed, Oct 9, 4 p.m., Acad Corner, all-teacher dinner and panel discussion about how we’re managing
- 2:31 Preview of some thoughts to share Wednesday: how God is using this to lovingly “remodel”
- Physical remodel: disruptive … but also,
- Academic remodel: pressure and opportunity to create learning experiences outside our “normal”
- Spiritual remodel: pressure and opportunity to grow in trusting God, reactions to situations, responses to one other, serving without recognition
- 3:45 Donuts with Dr. A tomorrow & Thurs
- 4:07 Psalm 46 encouragements
October 1
Doug’s F/S video (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- 0:00 Schedule
- Mon, Oct 7: restart school
- Wed-Fri, Oct 1-3: childcare for BJ Inc/EG employees @ CDC, PC, and lower Hutto (for grades 1-8)
- Volunteers: thank you! Seth L will reach out to you as needed.
- 1:15 Elementary Main: probably unavailable for 2 weeks, so “Study Abroad”
- Grade 1: assuming power will be returned to ELC by Monday
- Grades 2-5: probably to Acad Corner
- Grade 8: probably to HS locations
- 2:11 Adjustments for next week
- Workload (homework/study time): none outside of class time
- Grading: excused for students not in class
- Absences/coming in late to school: handled as excused
- Learning: can continue creatively and as “excellent as unto the Lord”
- Dress: spirit wear suggested (best available clean option)
- 3:35 Communication: planned daily updates to parents (not Dispatch daily)
- 3:55 Let your principal know if you have needs
- 4:00 Elementary teacher worktime: Friday, 11:30, Acad Corner to plan for next week
- 4:20 BJU campus has power: come as needed to charge your phones, enjoy air conditioning, etc.
- 4:30 God will use this time to unify believers!
September 30
Doug’s F/S video (key information spelled out in the time stamps)
- 0:00 Elem Main building: damage significant; restoration underway
- 0:33 Considerations about restart
- Complete F/S Survey to help with decisions (due Tues 8 a.m.)
- A-Team meeting to discuss factors (parent survey going out today; question of how to manage location for grades 2-5; BJU considerations–they intend to resume on Wednesday)
- 1:43 Communication intentions: regular info
- 1:50 Encouragement: trusting the Lord in challenging times
F/S status survey (due Tues, 8 a.m.)
Check your email for an update about BJU operations.