Three recent Bob Jones Academy graduates and two faculty members traveled to Washington, D.C., to attend the American Association of Christian Schools’ Youth Leadership Training Conference (YLTC). The weeklong conference included a mock Senate, a Congressional briefing, a day on Capitol Hill, numerous speakers and much touring.
The Mock Senate was under the direction of Mrs. Gail Nicholas, the BJA government teacher. Students were assigned current Senators to role-play for the week. They wrote legislation, attended committee meetings and participated in floor debate. Recent graduates Kristen Ince, Jamie Noel and Erica Woods attended the conference. BJA speech faculty member Mr. Chuck Nicholas also attended as one of the speakers. He presented a popular lecture on “Speaking to a Hostile Audience.”
All those who participated agreed at the end of the week that we need to be involved in our government by praying and by understanding the issues of the day.
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