After 40 years, members of the Bob Jones Academy Class of 1974 found that much has changed at BJA. Class members gathered for a weekend in Greenville to fellowship and to catch up with life at BJA. The event began with a dessert fellowship at the home of Will Lohnes. Saturday morning they were given a tour of the high school buildings by BJA faculty member Gail Nicholas (Class of 1976). Class members enjoyed reminiscing about societies, the BJA tile emblem in Academy Main, their teachers and flag raising. The classroom of Mr. Bill Pinkston, who is the only teacher of the class still teaching at BJA, was visited. Notes to Mr. Pinkston were written on the whiteboard for him to find Monday morning. The group spent much time at the Heritage Display in the lobby of the Academy Auditorium looking at photos from their time at BJA. In the evening a large group, including former teachers Bill Moose and Rachel Larson, gathered for dinner and for testimonies. Thank you to Donna Gustafson Pavluk and Willard Lohnes for organizing the event.
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